My "musts" as a sponsor are:
You must commit to a plan of eating that does not include sugar and alcoholic beverages and have a face to face home meeting at which you give service. If I am your food sponsor only, you must be actively working the steps with another sponsor. As part of your daily step work, you must honestly answer the question "did I eat what I committed?" If you make a major decision without discussing it with me first, don't come cryin' to me for help with the consequences.
There are rules to follow in order to live a life in recovery. If you don't agree, I am not the sponsor for you.
My "musts" as a sponsor are:
People say there's no MUSTS in this program however I've seen them in the big book.
Those are what I point out to my Sponsees.......the rest of what I share is suggestions based in my experience.
My "musts" as a sponsor are:
My "musts" as a sponsor are:
I generally gear my work with sponsees to them and their needs. So, it's difficult to have a general list of "musts". There is one though, "living program of honesty". This begins with the person, HP and the sponsor (me).
My "musts" as a sponsor are:
Well, I don't have a lot. Remember that I talk about each sponsee has to be dealt with differently. So some "musts" I have for one sponsee might be things not needed for another.
But the basic ones are:
Try to get to 3 meetings a week (sometimes it's not possible, but perhaps "make up" on another week). What's the magic about 3 meetings? None. But without some "line in the sand," 3 meetings turns into 2, which turns into every other week, etc.
Have a service position at one of those meetings. And make it an important one, not one of five greeters (in other words, one where you have to make a <<gulp>> commitment to the meeting. That's not to say you can't miss a week, but getting a fill-in isn't that difficult.
As soon as possible, I like sponsees to being to sponsor. This is the one I get the most pushback on, but I think it's important to be "in the chain." I tell them I am there to answer any questions they are not sure of.
I also like -- at least with my in-town sponsees is that I like to see them once a week, face to face. Sometimes it's just attending the same meeting, other times we grab a cup of coffee before or after a meeting. I have one who lives alternately in London and Hong Kong, so this won't work for him. 😉
And, of course, I want them working the Steps. Most of my people have been around for a long time, but I'm a believer of continuing study. I am also one of those who believes in looping around the Steps. You never know what might come up in a new 4th Step that you might have missed the first 5-6 times around!
My "musts" as a sponsor are:
Over the last few years it has really been driven home that the program is a path to a Higher Power. It's a discovery journey that comes to life as I participate in this fellowship. So finding ways to develop roots in this program by working with others is so vital. I think my musts are:
1. They must do some program work each day. Take a look at the principles of the program and see how they fit in my life.
2. They must go to meetings. I prefer face to face meetings. There is a vital energy we feel when we see people at meetings. Sitting in the circle I have found my tribe and my pulse calms right down.
3. If they are able to, they should sponsor others. It's inspiring and challenging to work with others and necessary if they are going to keep what they found.
4. They must do service. No one gets a pass on this part. People don't value what they don't contribute to. We were never mean to recover in isolation. There is a different feeling or higher vibration in meetings where there is a big service commitment.
My "musts" as a sponsor are:
My "musts" as a sponsor are:
must call me daily (if you miss 3 days in a row I will find another sponsee), must be honest, must tell me the tools you used that day (hopefully all), must report in your food daily